Get The Best Prices & Special Discounts For Markham Mills In Markham - Register Below
Pre construction moves incredibly fast - below, we have the most recent info about Markham Mills - but the way to get exclusive special discounts (you won't find anywhere else), the top units for sale, latest pricing, floor plans, deposit info & more is to register below!
Location: McCowan Road & 16th Avenue, Markham
Type: Townhome
Estimated Pricing:
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Estimated Completion Date: 2022
Click Here To Get All The Info & Best DealsAbout Markham Mills
This brand New Townhome development known as Markham Mills Towns is located at 16th Avenue & McCowan Rd, Markham.
The area is extremely conveniet for growing familiy as some of the top-ranking public and private schools can be found here. This place abounds with libraries, recreational, and medical centres, and is also home to of the best early learning centres and post-secondary insitutions.
With the rising popularity of the city Markham Mills Towns is a great choice for proffesionals to work close to home and cut unnecessary transportation costs. Modern lifestyle amanities are located nearby, while the neighbouring village of Unionville will leave you speachless with its cobbelstone streets and autentical historic buildings. It's a very popular tourist spot where you can enjoy many outdoor festivals and local retailer shops.